Saturday, November 4, 2017

unbuntu install dural boot mac

1) download unbuntu iso file

2) do not use mac to burn iso to usb, use etcher will failed the USB drive, make it unreadable.

3) instead go to windows download and install Rufus

4) open Rufus, device: select usb drive,   beside bottom disc icon, choose iso file. done

 5) restart mac, holding alt-option key, until you see boot manger, choose the empty drive or partion ...

6) after install complete.

7) wifi will not show up, display has refresh distort problem, because geoforce Nvidia driver and broadcast 802 drive are not installed.

8) must connect wired for a few minutes.

9)open setting --> software and updates --> additional drivers tab,  you will see broadcom 802 and nvidia drive, choose both of them, click bottom apply change. Done. you should see wifi works, display problem gone.

10) download and install .deb package. The question mark icon, with waiting to install for ever.

I'm having the same issue with Ubuntu Software with Ubuntu 16.04, but I found an easy GUI workaround in the meantime via "GDebi Package Installer" so you don't have to fiddle around with CLI with all your .deb packages and it'll capture all the dependencies so you don't have to worry about forcing apt-get installs.
  1. run "sudo apt-get install gdebi"
  2. In Nautilus, right-click your .deb file and select "Open With" -> "GDebi Package Installer"
  3. Select "Install Package" to install.
11) all works. 

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