Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Set up IPFS node on the server


Install and setup IPFS

I am going to use AWS EC2 to spin up my server with Amazon Linux 2 using the default VPC. A t2.micro instance will not cost you a dime during the free tier and is good enough for IPFS node and you a few web services.
Install Golang and IPFS. Make sure to use the latest version.
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y golang

wget https://dist.ipfs.io/go-ipfs/v0.4.17/go-ipfs_v0.4.17_linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -xvf go-ipfs_v0.4.17_linux-amd64.tar.gz
If the installation fails, then you can move executable to your bin path manually.
sudo mv ./go-ipfs/ipfs /usr/local/bin
Initialize local IPFS configuration and add your first file.
> ipfs init --profile server
echo "


" > index.html > ipfs add index.html added Qma1PYYMwbgR3GBscmBV7Zx8YgWdhBUAY6z27TznhrBet9 index.html > ipfs cat Qma1PYYMwbgR3GBscmBV7Zx8YgWdhBUAY6z27TznhrBet9


Congratulation! You've just added a file to IPFS repository. Although you can fetch it, it works only locally. To join the network, you should run the IPFS daemon.
ipfs daemon
If your firewall does not block connection, then you should be able to fetch your files from the remote node or use a public gateway like https://ipfs.io/ipfs/.

Run IPFS daemon on start

It would be better to start IPFS daemon as a service instead of the terminal attached process. Let's define a simple unit file responsible for running IPFS daemon service.
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service
Copy and paste the unit file definition. Make sure to change the User, so it corresponds to the account you have on your server.
Description=IPFS Daemon
After=syslog.target network.target remote-fs.target nss-lookup.target

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon --enable-namesys-pubsub

Running daemon with --enable-namesys-pubsub benefits from nearly instant IPNS updates. IPNS is IPFS naming system that allows for mutable URLs. After editing a unit file, reload the daemon, enable service to start on boot and start the service.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable ipfs
sudo systemctl start ipfs
You can now reboot your instance and make sure whether IPFS is back and running.
sudo systemctl status ipfs

Make gateway publicly accessible

If you want to, you can make your IPFS gateway publicly accessible. Change gateway configuration to listen on all available IP addresses.
In ~/.ipfs/config change
"Gateway": "/ip4/"
"Gateway": "/ip4/"


I am running IPFS nodes on EC2 and GCP Compute Engine VM for some time now and I did not have any major problems with it. You can use scp to copy files over ssh to your remote server. For programmatic access, you can make your IPFS gateway writable and use IPFS HTTP API. There are plenty of creative use cases for IPFS!

How to run several IPFS nodes on a single machine?

Usually, when you start with IPFS, you will use ipfs init, which will create a new node. The default data and config stored for that particular node are located at ~/.ipfs. Here is how you can create a new node and config it so it can run besides your default node.

1. Create a new node

For a new node you have to use ipfs init again. Use for instance the following:
IPFS_PATH=~/.ipfs2 ipfs init
This will create a new node at ~/.ipfs2 (not using the default path).

2. Change Address Configs

As both of your nodes now bind to the same ports, you need to change the port configuration, so both nodes can run side by side. For this, open ~/.ipfs2/configand findAddresses`:
"Addresses": {
    "API": "/ip4/",
    "Gateway": "/ip4/",
    "Swarm": [
To for example the following:
"Addresses": {
    "API": "/ip4/",
    "Gateway": "/ip4/",
    "Swarm": [
With this, you should be able to run both node .ipfs and .ipfs2 on a single machine.

  1. Whenever you use .ipfs2, you need to set the env variable IPFS_PATH=~/.ipfs2
  2. In your example you need to change either your client or server node from ~/.ipfs to ~/.ipfs2
  3. you can also start the daemon on the second node using IPFS_PATH=~/.ipfs2 ipfs daemon &

Saturday, February 23, 2019

ipfs add : error too many files open, Mac only

Mac only,

 by default Mac allow 256 files open limit, you need to set this limit to 65536, 
otherwise, ipfs add -r path, will run into error due to "too many files opened..."

see current limit
launchctl limit maxfiles

set new limit
sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 65536 200000

add above to $user/.bash_profile, everytime reboot, it will auto reset,

$user:  nano .bash_profile


when finish, ctrl+x,  Y,  Enter,


Set this higher to prevent errors during high load


Operating systems (Linux and macOS included) have settings which limit the number of files and processes that are allowed to be open. This limit protects the system from being overrun. But its default is usually set too low, when machines had way less power. Thus a “gotcha” that is only apparent when “too many files open” crashes appear only under load (as in during a stress test or production spike).
man bash, the Bash manual says the ulimit command (common among Linux flavors) provides “control over the resources available to the shell and to processes started by it”.
  1. Obtain the current limit of file descriptors
    ulimit -n
    An example output: “256” or “10032”.
    PROTIP: On MacOS, the maximum number that can be specified is 12288.
  2. Obtain the current limit of processes
    ulimit -u
    An example output: “1418”.

On macOS

  1. Obtain the current limit:
    launchctl limit maxfiles
    The response output should have numbers like this:
    maxfiles    65536          200000
    The first number is the “soft” limit and the second number is the “hard” limit.
    Configuration changes are necessary if lower numbers are displayed, such as:
    maxfiles    256            unlimited
  2. If the soft limit is too low (such as 256), set the current session to:
    sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 65536 200000
    Some set it to 1048576 (over a million).
    Since sudo is needed, you are prompted for a password.
    PROTIP: Because this would go back to defaults on reboot, add this command in your ~/.bash_profile
    Alternately, install Facebook’s Watchman utility which watches and adjusts automatically.
    PROTIP: Take both a full/complete backup to ensure fall-back. Also run a benchmark performance measurement before and after changing the configuration to detect issues.
  3. Over several versions, Apple has been changing the way system-wide open file limits can be set upon restart.

    Yosemite and older

    NOTE: On older MacOSX Yosemite, to make the settings permanent, increase the limits, edit (or create) file /etc/launchd.conf to contain:
    limit maxfiles 65536 200000

    Sierra and newer versions

    Newer versions of macOS no not reference the file due to security considerations.
    On newer macOS Sierra and High Sierra, Dejan Kitic and this found that two plist files need to be added.
  4. Copy in folder /Library/LaunchDaemons/ plist files from a GitHub repository:

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist
   sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxproc.plist
The files’ ownership needs to be changed to “root:wheel”.
Their permissions need to be “-rw-r–r–”, set by sudo chmod 644.
  1. So how do you turn csrutil off? Google says sudo csrutil disable… Ummm, not so easy, can only be done in Recovery Mode. So, reboot, hold command + R to enter Recovery Mode, once there open terminal and do csrutil disable… Finally a breakthrough…disabled.
  2. Now you can adjust the process limit on Mac OS X Yosemite and El Capitan versions:
    sudo ulimit -n 65536 200000
    Since sudo is needed, you are prompted for a password.
  3. To increase the inotify watchers max limit, edit (or create) file /etc/sysctl.conf (inherited from BSD) to contain:
    Alternately, run interactive commands:
    sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=5242880
    The response:
    kern.maxfiles: 49152 -> 5242880
    sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=524288
    The response:
    kern.maxfilesperproc: 24576 -> 524288
  4. Restart the system for the new limits to take effect.
  5. After restarting, verify the new limits by running:

On RedHat and CentOS

  1. To enable PAM-based user limits so that non-root users, such as the riak user, may specify a higher value for maximum open files, edit (or create) file /etc/security/limits.conf to contain:
    * soft nofile 65536
    * hard nofile 200000
    If the file already exists, append the above to the bottom of the file.
  2. To activate limits, edit (or create) file /etc/pam.d/login to contain:
    session    required   pam_limits.so
  3. Restart the machine.
  4. Verify by “ulimit -a” again.
    ulimit -n
    ulimit -Hn # Hard limit
    ulimit -Sn # Soft limit
    If the response is “10032”

Setting up Environment Variables in MacOS Sierra

Setting up Environment Variables in MacOS Sierra

An environment variable in a named object containing data which can be used by multiple applications or processes. Basically, it is just a variable with a name and an associated value. It can be used to determine anything like location of executable files, libraries, current working directory, default shell, or local system settings.
For those new to mac can get overwhelmed with how to set up and manage these environment variables. This guide provides easy ways to do so.
Displaying current Environment Variables
This is very easy. Just open the Terminal and run the command printenv as shown below.
HIMANSHUs-MacBook-Pro:~ himanshu$ printenv
This will list all the environment variables currently set.
However, for displaying the value of any specific environment variable run the echo $[variable name] on the terminal, as shown below.
HIMANSHUs-MacBook-Pro:~ himanshu$ echo $JAVA_HOME
Setting temporary environment variable using terminal
If the environment variable you wish to set is to be used once or twice, you would like to set a temporary variable for it, avoiding unwanted variables staying in the system. You can do this simply by opening the terminal and running export command followed by the variable name and its value.
HIMANSHUs-MacBook-Pro:~ himanshu$ export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_131.jdk/Contents/Home
The above example sets the variable $JAVA_HOME to the specified value. However, if your requirement is to append a value to an existing environment variable, then assign the value as
export [existing_variable_name]=[new_value]:$[existing_variable_name]
the ‘:’ here append the value to the existing value. See example below.
HIMANSHUs-MacBook-Pro:~ himanshu$ export PATH=/Users/himanshu/Documents/apache-maven-3.5.0/bin:$PATH
Setting permanent environment variable using terminal
Since Mac uses bash shell, so the environment variables can be added to the .bash_profile directory, for the current user. The path to this file can be found using the command
HIMANSHUs-MacBook-Pro:~ himanshu$ ~/.bash_profile
Get started by opening this file using a text editor. I’m using nano — a terminal based text editor, you may use any text editor you like — to open the file and edit it.
HIMANSHUs-MacBook-Pro:~ himanshu$ nano .bash_profile
This will open the .bash_profile file in the terminal.
Note: If there is no file named .bash_profile, then this above nano command will create a new file named .bash_profile .
Now move to the end of the file, go to the next line. Now add the desired environment variables using export command as we did before.
Press ctrl+X to exit the editor. Press ‘Y’ for saving the buffer, and you will return back to the terminal screen.
We are done now!
You may again run echo $[variable_name] to see the value of your just saved environment variable.
UPDATE: Don’t forget to close and reopen the terminal before using your newly set environment variable. Reopening the terminal loads the updated .bash_profile file.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

ipfs for websites

ipfs for websites

A short guide to hosting your site on ipfs

Adding your static website to ipfs is quite simple! Simply turn on your daemon:
$ ipfs daemon
And add the directory containing your website:
$ ls mysite
img index.html
$ ipfs add -r mysite
added QmcMN2wqoun88SVF5own7D5LUpnHwDA6ALZnVdFXhnYhAs mysite/img/spacecat.jpg
added QmS8tC5NJqajBB5qFhcA1auav14iHMnoMZJWfmr4k3EY6w mysite/img
added QmYh6HbZhHABQXrkQZ4aRRSoSa6bb9vaKoHeumWex6HRsT mysite/index.html
added QmYeAiiK1UfB8MGLRefok1N7vBTyX8hGPuMXZ4Xq1DPyt7 mysite/
The very last hash next to the folder name is the one you want, let's call it $SITE_HASH for now.
Now, you can test it out locally by opening http://localhost:8080/ipfs/$SITE_HASH in your web browser! Next, to view it coming from another ipfs node, you can tryhttp://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/$SITE_HASH. Cool, right? But those hashes are rather ugly. Let's look at some ways to get rid of them.
First, you can do a simple DNS TXT record, containing dnslink=/ipfs/$SITE_HASH. Once that record propagates, you should be able to view your site athttp://localhost:8080/ipns/your.domain. Now that's quite a bit cleaner. You can also try this on the gateway at http://gateway.ipfs.io/ipns/your.domain
Next, you might be asking "well what if i want to change my website, DNS is slow!" Well let me tell you about this little thing called Ipns (note the 'n'). Ipns is the Interplanetary Naming System, you might have noticed the above link has /ipns/ instead of /ipfs/. Ipns is used for mutable content in the ipfs network, it's relatively easy to use, and will allow you to change your website without updating the dns record every time! So how do you use it?
After adding your webpage, simply do:
$ ipfs name publish $SITE_HASH
Published to <your peer id>: /ipfs/$SITE_HASH
(Disclaimer: When using IPNS to update websites, it's important to think about that assets could be loaded from two different resolved hashes when updating your website, leading to outdated/missing assets unless accounted for)
Now, you can test that it worked by viewing: http://localhost:8080/ipns/. And also try the same link on the public gateway. Once you're convinced that works, let's again hide the hash. Change your DNS TXT record to dnslink=/ipns/<your peer id>, wait for that record to propagate, and then try accessing http://localhost:8080/ipns/your.domain.
At this point, you have a website on ipfs/ipns, and you may be wondering how you could expose it at http://your.domain, so that the Internet users of today may access it too without them having to know about any of this. It's actually surprisingly simple to do, all you need for this is your previously created TXT record and to point the A record of your.domain to the IP address of an ipfs daemon that listens on port 80 for HTTP requests (such as gateway.ipfs.io). The users' browsers will send your.domain in the Host header of the requests, and you have your dnslink TXT records, so the ipfs gateway will recognize your.domain as an IPNS name, and so it will serve from under /ipns/your.domain/ instead of /.
So, if you point your.domain's A record to the IP of gateway.ipfs.io, and then wait for the DNS to propagate, then anyone should be able to access your ipfs-hosted site without any extra configuration simply at http://your.domain.
Alternatively, it is possible to use CNAME records to point at the DNS records of the gateway. This way, IP addresses of the gateway are automatically updated. Note however that CNAME records to not allow for other records, such as a TXT to refer to the ipfs/ipns record. Because of this, ipfs allows to create a DNS TXT record for _dnslink.your.domain with dnslink=/ipns/<yourpeer id>.
So by creating a CNAME for your.domain to gateway.ipfs.io and adding a _dnslink.your.domain record with dnslink=/ipns/<your peer id> you can host your website without explicitly referring to IP addresses of the ipfs gateway.
Happy Hacking!

Friday, February 1, 2019


windows install

unzip ( ipfs.exe), you need this directory in your path (environmental variable)

system path
user path

add:  path=F:\ipfs

reboot not required, it should effect immediately.


sometime it doesn't work.

temporary run ipfs.exe in itself folder.

.........................change  ipfs_repo from default .../your-user/.ipfs (hidden folder)................ 

environmental path set: (windows use \, if you use / invalid, Mac use / )


cmd,  manually set

         F:\ipfs>set IPFS_PATH=F:\ipfs_repo


         F:\ipfs>echo %IPFS_PATH%


         F:\ipfs>ipfs init
         initializing IPFS node at F:\ipfs_repo        

it should use your custom repo, not use default .../your-user/.ipfs


ipfs-desktop-0.6.1 ("C:\Program Files\IPFS Desktop\IPFS Desktop.exe") for all user

ipfs-desktop-0.7.0 ("C:\Users\52406\AppData\Local\Programs\ipfs-desktop") for only you


C:\Users\engcid299\AppData\Roaming\IPFS Desktop\config.json

ipfs desktop, before 0.6.1, need update config.json the new ipfs_repo
after 0.7, no need update here, because desktop will use whatever ipfs daemon use ipfs_repo path

The configuration file and logs are located on ~/Library/Application Support/IPFS Desktop on macOS and %appdata%/IPFS Desktop on Windows. For quick access to this folders, just right-click on your tray icon and then 'Logs Directory' or 'Configuration File', depending on what you want.



mac install

1) install ipfs


bills-mac-mini:~ Bill$ cd go-ipfs
bills-mac-mini:go-ipfs Bill$ ls
LICENSE        README.md    build-log    install.sh    ipfs
bills-mac-mini:go-ipfs Bill$ ./install.sh
We cannot install ./ipfs in one of the directories /usr/local/bin /usr/bin
It seems that we do not have the necessary write permissions.
Perhaps try running this script as a privileged user:

    sudo ./install.sh


reason is you do not have /usr/local/bin folder, you need manually create one, then run again.

or you could just manually copy ipfs.exe to /usr/local/bin.
open install.sh, see, it copy over file with mv.......

cd /
cd usr/local
sudo mkdir bin

another terminal,  
bills-mac-mini:~ Bill$ cd go-ipfs
bills-mac-mini:go-ipfs Bill$ ./install.sh


 2) install ipfs desktop for mac


open, you see ipfs icon show at task bar

But on windows, ipfs icon do not show on task bar, but you can see ipfs process at task manager.

3) localhost:5001/webui



When run

    ipfs add -r ..... You must shut down ipfs daemon, because it will slow down the ipfs add process.

ipfs add -r and ipfs daemon can NOT both run at same time.
Because they will slow down each other, conflict. 


Once you've added a directory, you can get the hashes of the files in the directory by running either:

ipfs files stat --hash /ipfs/DIR_HASH/path/to/file` to get the hash of an individual file.
ipfs ls /ipfs/DIR_HASH` to list the hashes/names of all the files in a directory.

Note: If you're adding a massive directory, you'll need to enable (directory sharding](https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/blob/master/docs/experimental-features.md#directory-sharding--hamt) (which is an experimental feature).

for Mac only,


edit this file,

sudo nano .bash_profile

export IPFS_PATH=/Volumes/ipfs1/ipfs_repo
sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 65536 200000

when finish edit, ctrl+x, Y, Enter


By default,  ipfs daemon will create a hidden folder repo folder at

if you want it change to D drive, D volume,
You have to set  (windows)  IPFS_PATH=D:/ipfs_repo
(mac) export IPFS_PATH=/Volumes/ipfs1/ipfs_repo

If you want ipfs-desktop use new ipfs_repo, you have to do following


ipfs repo
          will list all help

ipfs repo stat
           will list current repo path ( which read from IPFS_PATH=D:/ipfs_repo environment variable)
            default is (c:/users/you/.ipfs)

Before you run ipfs daemon or ipfs desktop, you need to set ipfs repo(block, datastore etc)
ipfs init
           will use your current ipfs_path as repo location.

Now you are ready to run ipfs daemon,

 Because of bug of ipfs desktop, you need to manually config new repo_path, othewise, it always use default \.ipfs

I can manually update config.json file, let it point to customized ipfs repo directory.
It works fine.

On windows,
C:\Users\your-user-name-here\AppData\Roaming\IPFS Desktop

open config.json

          update the path
"ipfsConfig": {
"type": "go",
"path": "D:\ipfs_repo",
"flags": [
"keysize": 2048

On Mac:

(library is hidden directory, cmd+shift+. to show hidden)

$your-user-home/Library/Application Support/IPFS Desktop

Edit config.json

"path": "/Volumes/ipfs-1tb/ipfs_repo",


NOTE : ipfs-desktop

  • IPFS_PATH is only used the first time IPFS Desktop runs. After that, its configuration is its source of truth.
  • We're using ipfsd-ctl which takes care of that. Also, we have tests for custom IPFS_PATH and they're passing on macOS.


Where is the configuration and logs?

The configuration file and logs are located on ~/Library/Application Support/IPFS Desktop on macOS and %appdata%/IPFS Desktop on Windows. For quick access to this folders, just right-click on your tray icon and then 'Logs Directory' or 'Configuration File', depending on what you want.

How do we select the IPFS repo location?

We use ipfsd-ctl, which, in default conditions, will check IPFS_PATH environment variable. If not set, we fallback to $HOME/.ipfs. As soon as the first run has succeded, we save the information about the repository location in the configuration file, which becomes the source of truth.

Which version of IPFS are we running?

Since we're using ipfsd-ctl, we have our own embedded IPFS binary. We try to always have the latest version.

Which flags do we use to boot IPFS?

By default we use the flags --migrate=true --routing=dhtclient ----enable-gc=true when running the IPFS daemon. They can be changed via the configuration file, which can be easily accessed as mentioned above.


.................. note ................................................................................
when  ipfs runing, repo.lock file will show in ipfs_repo directory,
if ipfs is down, repo.lock will disappear.

but some time, a old repo.lock file in ipfs repository folder will cause error, failed to start ipfs daemon
To remove repo.lock file

ipfs repo (list help)
ipfs repo fsck ( will remove the repo.lock file)


change ipfs repo to other disk:

ipfs daemon, will look for IPFS_PATH environment variable, to decide where put ipfs repository.

If no IPFS_PATH found, by default, location is:

$user\.ifps   (show hidden files, command + shift + .)

\user\.ipfs    (show hidden directory)

Customize ipfs repo to another disk, by set IPFS_PATH environment variable.

                       add system environment variable


      terminal run 'env'  or 'printenv'           
                  will list all environment variable,
      if no IPFS_PATH=/Volumes/d/ipfs_repo
      you need to set.

      for 1 time temporary , cmd run
      export IPFS_PATH=/Volumes/d/ipfs_repo

      If you want permanent set this, do this:
             Mac uses bash shell, so the environment variables can be added to the .bash_profile directory, for the current user
             This file at :    user$ ~/.bash_profile
               Open and edit this file:
                                       user$ nano .bash_profile

               write:  export IPFS_PATH=/Volumes/d/ipfs_repo
Press ctrl+X to exit the editor. Press ‘Y’ for saving the buffer, Press "Enter" to return cmd. 


Add directory by:

             1)             ipfs add -r fileRestAPI

added QmcXbRoSrnmqwVFms3t9iX6DZMtKfUB9PJj6j8HQp59Ubj fileRestAPI

Your hash ID is above

              2)            ipfs name publish QmcXbRoSrnmqwVFms3t9iX6DZMtKfUB9PJj6j8HQp59Ubj

Published to QmbX1mn42J9Fh7ascyaX2txtqRxRNFg3NWMXFr8k6HqKBj: /ipfs/QmcXbRoSrnmqwVFms3t9iX6DZMtKfUB9PJj6j8HQp59Ubj

You get your peer ID above

Test by name resolve below:
            3)       ipfs name resolve QmbX1mn42J9Fh7ascyaX2txtqRxRNFg3NWMXFr8k6HqKBj

you can test web site at

5. Bind IPNS to domain by adding a DNS TXT record of the form

Yes, it works for me after 1 hour.  try and fail.

Let me summarize the working sample.

working sample:

local gateway

publick gateway

Now I bind domain 'pdfbay.org' DNS txt record 

@ means current domain pdfbay.org
TXT: type
1m:  1 second ( default is 1 hour, but I set it as 1m for quick)

@ | TXT | 1m | "dnslink=/ipns/QmbX1mn42J9Fh7ascyaX2txtqRxRNFg3NWMXFr8k6HqKBj"

To verify  on terminal, I try ipfs name resolve, it works fine, 

D:\>ipfs name resolve -r pdfbay.org

To verify on DNS txt lookup tool, you can verify you DNS TXT record is correctly configured.
put your domain, pdfbay.org, then choose TXT lookup. 
you should see 1 record below:
TXT | pdfbay.org | 60 sec | dnslink=/ipns/QmbX1mn42J9Fh7ascyaX2txtqRxRNFg3NWMXFr8k6HqKBj

Even you config correctly ,
it need some time, may be up to 1 hours to have ipfs bind works, 

The final working sample is: 

ipfs chrome extension

IPFS Addressing in Web Browsers

ipfs://{immutable-root}/path/to/resourceA → /ipfs/{immutable-root}/path/to/resourceA
ipns://{mutable-root}/path/to/resourceB → /ipns/{mutable-root}/path/to/resourceB

public gateway

local gateway



mac install

1) install ipfs


bills-mac-mini:~ Bill$ cd go-ipfs
bills-mac-mini:go-ipfs Bill$ ls
LICENSE        README.md    build-log    install.sh    ipfs
bills-mac-mini:go-ipfs Bill$ ./install.sh
We cannot install ./ipfs in one of the directories /usr/local/bin /usr/bin
It seems that we do not have the necessary write permissions.
Perhaps try running this script as a privileged user:

    sudo ./install.sh


reason is you do not have /usr/local/bin folder, you need manually create one, then run again.

or you could just manually copy ipfs.exe to /usr/local/bin.
open install.sh, see, it copy over file with mv.......

cd /
cd usr/local
sudo mkdir bin

another terminal,    
bills-mac-mini:~ Bill$ cd go-ipfs
bills-mac-mini:go-ipfs Bill$ ./install.sh


 2) install ipfs desktop for mac


open, you see ipfs icon show at task bar

But on windows, ipfs icon do not show on task bar, but you can see ipfs process at task manager.

3) localhost:5001/webui



too many open files mac

Configuring Your New File Limits

Once you’ve logged in, you should once again open Terminal. In Terminal, type the following command:
sudo nano /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist
Copy and paste the following content into the text editor that’s opened in your Terminal window. Provide your user password, if prompted.

Note that to do this, you likely won’t be able to use the keyboard shortcut. Instead, right-click inside the Terminal window and choose paste. Then, press Control-X to save and close the text editor.
You’ll notice two numbers there: 64000 and 524288. The first is a soft limit, at which point your Mac will start preparing to stop allowing new file opens but still let them go. When the second number is reached, that’s the hard limit – at that point, you’ll get the “Too many files open in system” error.