Thursday, August 13, 2015

php code in javascript

There are three possible ways to do it.
  1. Use hidden field and add necessary variable value inside each fields and get those using jQuery.
  2. User jQuery Session plugin and access php session variable.
  3. make a ajax call to php and get response in json format and access response.

You have to store the php variables somewhere in the html code and then access it. For example:
php echo $_SESSION['authorized'] ?>/>
then in your js:
var somevar=document.getElementById(hidval).value;
if(somevar==what you want){
It's a matter of code style. The time your project grows, you will find it increasingly difficult to maintain it or to extend its functionality. A better solution would be to initialize all needed variables in the beginning of the file and to externalize the main JavaScript functionality.
Example PHP:
Example JS with jQuery (note that i use the custom trigger 'init', you can call it however you like):
$(document).on('init', function() {

    function execute_this() {

    if(MYCONFIG.authorized) {

This should be in an external JS file and does not need any PHP tags.

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