Friday, August 7, 2015

import ESRI shape file into mongoDB

import ESRI shape file into mongoDB

1) Go to download GDAL ogr GUI tools

2) use tool to convert shape to geojson ( geoJSON use latitude and longitude, project code is
      4326: WGS84)

3) mongoimport will see it as single document, however I need multi document for each record, I need to modify the geojson file, first remove head portion (selected text), then remove foot portion( selected text)

4) remove , at each line end. each line should be a json object, it looks like {......} without ","
    So you should replace ] ] ] } },  with ] ] ] } } as show below

5) run mongoimport as
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin>mongoimport --db civilgis --collection p
arks C:\Users\hu_j\Downloads\parks.geojson

--db : database name
--collection : table name
then the geojson file

this case it import 41 document

6) index the coordinate to speed up the performance
db.collection.createIndex( { <location field> : "2dsphere" } )

Note: keep the format of "coordinate [[[ ]]]"  do not change to coordinate [[ ]],
otherwise,{"geometry": "2dsphere"}) will fail.

Error and fix

mongoimport error tells you location at line number #14683, in this case you need to replace
"geometry": null }, without ","

Error 2 and fix


       "errmsg" : "exception: Can't extract geo keys:.......
            ] ] Duplicate vertices: 29 and 47",

fix by remove the duplicate coordinate(vertice). start from 0, the 29th point and 47th point are duplicate, remove 47th, note that last coordinate before ]]duplicate vertices is NOT the 29th nor 47th, you have to manually count 29th point and delete it.

first find by APNLINK: \"41051111\" copy that record to new document, then find the duplicate coordinate by count 29th

        "errmsg" : "exception: Can't extract geo keys: { _id: ObjectId('55ca7991
21167708171b06ba'), type: \"Feature\", properties: { CITYSTZPRP: \"Ca\", OWNER_N
AME: \"Casden Lakes\", Legal_Desc: \"N TR 12341 LOT A\", HOUSE_NO: null, APN: \"
410-511-11\", APNLINK: \"41051111\", ADDR_NUMBE: null, STREET: null, SUFFIX: nul
l, OBJECTID: 981, FID_points: 41051111, ADDRESS: null }, geometry: { coordinates
: [ [ [ -117.8772983067213, 33.69316895497129 ], [ -117.8771896001406, 33.693156

after fix the whole parcels.geojson, you have to drop current parcels in mongoDB, re-import parcels.geojson then create index


Importing JSON data into MongoDB can be tricky. By default, monogoimport assumes a special structure for a file to import from: similar to JSON format except that only one document per line is allowed with no comma after each of them - something like:
{ name: "Widget 1", desc: "This is Widget 1" }
{ name: "Widget 2", desc: "This is Widget 2" }
It would be easier, however, to use a traditional JSON instead of adapting it to this special format required by MongoDB. Luckily, we can force mongoimport to import the data as a JSON array using --jsonArray parameter.
Let's suppose we have a seed.json file with the following content:
    { name: "Widget 1", desc: "This is Widget 1" },
    { name: "Widget 2", desc: "This is Widget 2" }
We can import it to our local MongoDB database using following command:
λ mongoimport --db  --collection  --type json --file seed.json
If the specified collection doesn't exist, it will be automatically created; otherwise new documents will be appended to the existing one.

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