Wednesday, December 23, 2015

netbeans spring mvc setup

netbeans spring mvc setup

* netbean 8.0 only support spring mvc 4.0.1 if I want to use latest spring mvc 4.2.4 I have to create maven project instead of java web project (netbean build in)

* project  source folder can't locate at tomcat8/webapp/, has to be somewhere else, such as c:/jh/tomcat/. Otherwise, when you run from netbeans, it will delete the whole project source at webapp folder.

* If error is cannot find symbol for any class, include spring mvc class, your class etc.... it is because netbeans use cached old path, should use current path, the solution is clean the cache by.

menu > help > about

it shows the cache directory at bottom.
Cache directory: C:\Users\HU_J\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\8.1

go there and delete everything under it.


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