Friday, March 15, 2019

ipfs cluster

----------------------- firewall port open -----------------------
A small amount of firewall management is needed to get IPFS cluster service communicating between peers. 4001 and 8080 should already be open for IPFS. 9094, 9095 and 9096 are used by the cluster service


init cluster to your folder 

     F:\ipfs\ipfs-cluster-service>ipfs-cluster-service --config F:\ipfs_cluster init
          12:36:00.873  INFO     config: Saving configuration config.go:411
           ipfs-cluster-service configuration written to F:\ipfs_cluster\service.json

download and unzip,

first must 

       export PATH="/Volumes/ipfs-1tb/ipfs-cluster-service"

to make it available, export only works 1 time, after reboot or terminal exit, it no longer works.

So better to just copy executable file to usr/bin at:

        copy ipfs-cluster-service  to /usr/local/bin


sudo nano .bash_profile ( works after reboot, )

       export CLUSTER_SECRET="1c9b744ad2cb0146ee3c2f975e10bd9e7293b0e1d96c57f1e72afdefd8f1974e"

    ipfs-cluster-service init
( this will create a folder at:  [ your-user/.ipfs-cluster  ] 
 check service.json file, make sure 'secret' is same as above, all peer should share the same secret.

ipfs-cluster-service daemon --bootstrap /ip4/