1) apple developer to fill out the information ( itune connect )
2) apple developer (certificate ID, provisioning file )
first create a app ID, for example "net.transparentgov.ios.mapbox"
second, with this app ID, create 2 certificate, development and distribution
third, create the provisioning file based on above app id, certificate.
3) xcode, download provisioning file, by
- In the Xcode Preferences window, click Accounts.
- Select your team, and click View Details.
4) xcode, general tab , code signing section
use this downloaded provisiong file.
5) upload the app by
xcode, general tab , use distribution code signing identity, and distribution provisioning file.
use generic ios device, instead of real iphone
then, top menu, -- product -- archive
click upload to app store.
6) after upload, go to apple developer, you should see it.